Protecting Families. Ensuring Safer Homes.

Lead Remediation and Abatement Program (LRAP)
The Lead Remediation and Abatement Program (LRAP) addresses the ongoing threat of childhood lead poisoning and provides lead-safe repairs and supports energy efficiency in residential units built prior to 1978. Eligible units include one to four family residential properties. The purpose of this program is to identify and remediate lead-based paint hazards via interim controls, encapsulation, replacement, or abatement methods to prevent elevated blood lead levels in children and pregnant women and alleviate the existing identified lead-based paint hazards for children with elevated blood lead levels (EBLL).
Interim controls, encapsulation and replacement are defined as a set of measures designed to reduce temporarily human exposure or likely exposure to lead-based paint hazards, including specialized cleaning, repairs, maintenance, painting, temporary containment, and the ongoing monitoring of lead-based paint hazards or potential hazards. Lead abatement measures are identified as a more long-term solution to removing lead-based paint hazards from surfaces and components via replacement and/or repair.
PRAC provides client education on different topics regarding lead‐based paint hazards including but not limited to the dangers of lead‐based paint hazards, and the importance of why properties need to be lead‐safe. Additionally, PRAC offers case management services surrounding lead-based paint and other resources as necessary to meet the needs of the community members.
ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS: Households whose income is at or below 80% of the area median income in Cumberland, Cape May and Salem Counties and who reside in one to four family residential properties constructed prior to 1978, and the property has presence of lead based-paint hazards. Note: For rental units, the property owner must be the signatory on the program documents.
Counties: Cumberland, Cape May, and Salem.